ITcon Vol. 14, pg. 1-13,

Details of the mappings between the CIS/2 and IFC product data models for structural steel

submitted:August 2008
revised:December 2008
published:January 2009
editor(s):Eastman C
authors:Robert R. Lipman
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA
summary:A mapping between the CIMsteel Integration Standards (CIS/2) and the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) product data models for structural steel has been developed. The development of the mapping takes a pragmatic approach through a manual inspection of both schemas to see which entities and attributes correspond to each other. In some cases there is a direct one-to-one mapping between CIS/2 and IFC entities and concepts, while in other cases there is a one-to-many or one-to-none mapping. The mapping has been implemented as a translator from CIS/2 to IFC files. Many examples are shown of partial CIS/2 files and the corresponding mapped IFC entities generated by the translator. The mapping examples and IFC test files generated by the translator have identified several deficiencies in the IFC schema for modeling structural steel and for general structural analysis models.  Please see for the extensive appendixes to this paper.
keywords:product data model, mapping, CIS/2, IFC, structural steel, interoperability
full text: (PDF file, 3.149 MB)
citation:Lipman R (2009). Details of the mappings between the CIS/2 and IFC product data models for structural steel, ITcon Vol. 14, pg. 1-13,