ITcon Vol. 29, pg. 179-197,

Application of Construction 4.0 Technologies: Empirical Findings from the Turkish Construction Industry

submitted:December 2023
revised:March 2024
published:March 2024
editor(s):Amor R
authors:Aynur Hurriyet Turkyilmaz, PhD Candidate,
Istanbul Technical University, Department of Civil Engineering, Istanbul, Turkiye
ORCID: 0009-0009-6646-5381

Gul Polat, Professor (Corresponding Author),
Istanbul Technical University, Department of Civil Engineering, Istanbul, Turkiye
ORCID: 0000-0003-2431-033X

Aysegul Gurkan, Civil Engineer,
Istanbul Technical University, Department of Civil Engineering, Istanbul, Turkiye
ORCID: 0009-0009-2365-182X
summary:The construction industry is a leading sector in terms of labor force development and economic involvement on a global scale. It is widely recognized that this industry faces numerous obstacles. The digital revolution has penetrated all aspects of every organization. It could offer potential solutions to the challenges faced in the construction industry, which has been generally resistant to adopting the efficiency provided by information technologies. Multiple studies are dedicated to examining the difficulties encountered by the construction industry, as well as the advancement of technologies in this field. However, further research is required to examine the extent to which construction professionals are aware of and acknowledge new technologies, as well as their expectations regarding the problem-solving capabilities of Construction 4.0 technologies. This study investigates the degree of awareness of Construction 4.0 technologies, the significance of the primary challenges frequently encountered in construction projects, the advantages expected from these technologies, and the level of consensus among various groups of construction professionals on these matters. Based on an extensive examination of existing literature, 13 specific technologies related to Construction 4.0, 11 primary challenges and 17 anticipated advantages were identified. A survey was devised and administered to Turkish construction experts, resulting in the collection of 188 valid responses. The gathered data was subsequently subjected to statistical analyses. The investigated data led to the conclusion that there was a substantial agreement among the respondents regarding the level of recognition of Construction 4.0 technologies, the primary challenges in construction projects, and the anticipated advantages of these technologies. The results of this study can guide professionals and academics in determining which innovations to endorse, considering practical needs.
keywords:Construction 4.0 technologies, expected benefits, problems in construction, questionnaire, Turkish construction professionals
full text: (PDF file, 0.646 MB)
citation:Turkyilmaz A H, Polat G, Gurkan A (2024). Application of Construction 4.0 Technologies: Empirical Findings from the Turkish Construction Industry, ITcon Vol. 29, pg. 179-197,