ITcon Vol. 23, pg. 243-258,

Levels of BIM compliance for model handover

submitted:March 2018
revised:September 2018
published:November 2018
editor(s):Amor R
authors:Hasan Burak Cavka, PhD,
Department of Architecture, Yaşar University

Sheryl Staub-French, PhD,
Department of Civil Engineering, The University of British Columbia

Erik A. Poirier, PhD,
summary:The important process of design review, compliance checking and project handover information intake and processing have traditionally been paper based and manual tasks. These tasks are onerous and error prone. Moreover, they do not allow effective detection of design issues and validation of project information quality for handover which lead to waste of resources when performing maintenance and repairs during operations. Building Information Modeling has the potential to help owners overcome these challenges by enabling seamless exchange of project information between design, construction, and operations while supporting and proving opportunities for automated design reviews. However, this practice has yet to fully take root in the industry due to its relative novelty. The research project presented in this paper set out to understand how owners could adopt and implement BIM to support design and information handover review. Two large public owner organizations were investigated over five years to support this aim. The findings are articulated around three levels of compliance for the owner’s project and BIM requirements. The findings on compliance review suggest three elements: model structure verification, model content verification and design compliance review. These three elements rely on model queries which are identified through investigation of owner’s operational requirements. The presented research connects modeling practice to support facilities maintenance, owner’s information requirements, and owner’s design requirements and leverages this information for model based compliance review.
keywords:Building Information Modelling (BIM), Facilities Management (FM), compliance review, owner requirements, model handover
full text: (PDF file, 0.787 MB)
citation:Cavka H B, Staub-French S, Poirier E A (2018). Levels of BIM compliance for model handover, ITcon Vol. 23, pg. 243-258,