ITcon papers tagged with: literature review

2024 Wang J, Antwi-Afari M F, Tezel A, Antwi-Afari P, Kasim T
Artificial Intelligence in Cloud Computing technology in the Construction industry: a bibliometric and systematic review
ITcon Vol. 29, pg. 480-502,
2023 Jiang Z, Messner J I
Computer Vision Applications In Construction And Asset Management Phases: A Literature Review
ITcon Vol. 28, pg. 176-199,
2023 Eliwa H K, Jelodar M B, Poshdar M, Yi W
Information and Communication Technology Applications in Construction Organizations: a Scientometric Review
ITcon Vol. 28, pg. 286-305,
2022 Abualdenien J, Borrmann A
Levels of detail, development, definition, and information need: a critical literature review
ITcon Vol. 27, pg. 363-392,
2017 Eiris R, Gheisari M
Research trends of virtual human applications in architecture, engineering and construction
ITcon Vol. 22, pg. 168-184,