ITcon Vol. 7, pg. 69-82,

A tool for developing knowledge management strategies

submitted:January 2002
revised:June 2002
published:August 2002
editor(s):A. S. Kazi
authors:Ahmed M. Al-Ghassani, Mr
Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough University

John M. Kamara, Dr
School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, University of Newcastle upon

Chimay J. Anumba, Prof
Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough University

Patricia M. Carrillo, Dr
Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough University
summary:While organisations recognise that Knowledge Management (KM) is essential for improving performance, many have difficulties in developing strategies for implementation. The nature of knowledge is of particular complexity in organisations such as those within the construction industry characterised by temporary 'virtual' organisations formed for the completion of projects. A significant proportion of construction organisations realise the benefits of KM but most remain at the infancy stages of developing and implementing KM strategies. This paper identifies the need for a methodology to help organisations establishing these strategies. It then describes a framework developed within the CLEVER (Cross-sectoral Learning in the Virtual Enterprise) project at Loughborough University. The framework introduces a methodology that supports KM at both the tactical and strategic levels in order to aid organisations, especially in the construction and manufacturing industries, in developing KM strategies. The methodology was encapsulated into a prototype software system to achieve a simpler format and is easier to use. Industrial collaborators evaluated both the paper format and the prototype software and it is evident that the developed methodology has the potential to provide a very useful way for developing KM strategies and that very little exists elsewhere to assist companies in developing KM strategies in this way. The software prototype was seen as an important enhancement to the paper version. The inviting format, simplified guidance, reduced input duplication, and automated report generation were found the most significant enhancements. The focus of this paper is on the development and operation of the prototype. Its key benefits and lessons learned in implementing it are highlighted in the paper.
keywords:construction organisations, knowledge management, KM strategies, software prototype
full text: (PDF file, 0.416 MB)
citation:Al-Ghassani AM, Kamara JM, Anumba CJ, Carrillo PM (2002). A tool for developing knowledge management strategies, ITcon Vol. 7, Special issue ICT for Knowledge Management in Construction, pg. 69-82,