ITcon Vol. 24, pg. 95-111,

Effect of varying task attributes on augmented reality aided point layout

submitted:August 2018
revised:February 2019
published:March 2019
editor(s):Amor R.
authors:Jad Chalhoub, MS,
Graduate Research Associate, Arizona State University;

Steven K. Ayer, Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor, Arizona State University;
summary:Augmented Reality (AR) has been shown to enable several construction tasks and supplement the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) on construction sites. However, little effort has been made to evaluate the effect of specific task attributes and model-related factors on the accuracy and performance of current generation AR devices. To address this knowledge gap, the authors identified a commonly used AR device and conducted an experiment related to electrical construction point layout tasks. Furthermore, the effects of several task attributes and content variations were explored. The results suggest that the AR device can display content with a locational accuracy of five centimeters from intended design, equally distributed along the X-axis and Y-axis on the design plane. The location of the content is more accurate the closer it is to the paper marker used to locate content in space. Additionally, increased amounts of content shown and variations in types of content displayed significantly affect the accuracy of the points along the Y-axis (elevation). This paper provides an empirical understanding of certain capabilities and limitations of current AR devices using industry practitioners. The research enables practitioners to better plan for the use of AR in different construction and engineering tasks, and guide future research to develop use cases around the strengths of the technology.
keywords:HoloLens, Augmented Reality, Point Layout, Task Variables
full text: (PDF file, 0.639 MB)
citation:Chalhoub J, Ayer SK (2019). Effect of varying task attributes on augmented reality aided point layout, ITcon Vol. 24, pg. 95-111,