ITcon Vol. 8, pg. 381-396,

A methodology for supporting product selection from e-catalogues

submitted:May 2003
revised:September 2003
published:October 2003
editor(s):Amor R and Jardim- Gonçalves R
authors:Shailesh Jain, Mr.
College of Architecture, Ph.D. Program, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA
email:; WWW:

Godfried Augenbroe, Prof.
College of Architecture, Ph.D. Program, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA
email:; WWW:
summary:This paper reports on going work to explore the role of electronic product catalogues in design management and new opportunities offered by e-commerce applications related to building product information in the construction industry. An approach based on the performance-concept in order to facilitate product selection from e-catalogues is described. In this approach product selection is facilitated by conducting predefined (virtual) experiments in which products from electronic product catalogues are ‘tested’ to determine their performance in a given design context. Performance indicators are used to rank the performance of product selected by the system.
keywords:performance indicator, e-catalogue, virtual experiment, product search.
full text: (PDF file, 0.915 MB)
citation:Jain S and Augenbroe G (2003). A methodology for supporting product selection from e-catalogues, ITcon Vol. 8, Special issue eWork and eBusiness, pg. 381-396,